Testing WebSocket in Go

Testing WebSocket in Go It’s been a while since my last post in this blog. I also posted some posts in my Medium while I was in the Gojek Bootcamp. Feel free to check it out here. A few weeks ago, I got this idea for making real-time chat server with WebSocket. I was curious because I had never been playing with WebSocket in Go previously. Writing test for WebSocket The idea behind why I wrote the test for WebSocket was that I wanted to try end-to-end test in Go.
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Criticism Is a Gift

Criticism is a Gift At Gojek, one of the 10 values that we should stand with is that “Criticism is a gift”. In my point of view, it implicitly means that you’ll only grow if others give you feedback. In that case, you’ll know what to improve. “Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” – Ken Blanchard Today, I learned about how to receive and give feedback. More importantly, I learned how to make a constructive feedback.
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My Early Days at Gojek

It’s my first week in Gojek’s office. I’m joining the engineering department as product engineer and here’s my experience of the first week. The First Day On my first day, I was welcomed at the office and then directed to the training room for on-boarding process. They presented to us a brief history about Gojek, its pillar, and its culture. After that, a talkshow and Q&A session was held to clarify some rumours laying around the public.
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