Testing WebSocket in Go

Testing WebSocket in Go

It’s been a while since my last post in this blog. I also posted some posts in my Medium while I was in the Gojek Bootcamp. Feel free to check it out here.

A few weeks ago, I got this idea for making real-time chat server with WebSocket. I was curious because I had never been playing with WebSocket in Go previously.

Writing test for WebSocket

The idea behind why I wrote the test for WebSocket was that I wanted to try end-to-end test in Go. It was something that I had never been done before. I used to not writing test and tested the code end-to-end manually. And it was such a PITA.

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Criticism Is a Gift

Criticism is a Gift

aerial photography of road photo by Matt Howard

At Gojek, one of the 10 values that we should stand with is that “Criticism is a gift”. In my point of view, it implicitly means that you’ll only grow if others give you feedback. In that case, you’ll know what to improve.

“Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” – Ken Blanchard

Today, I learned about how to receive and give feedback. More importantly, I learned how to make a constructive feedback.

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